This verse is often used to try to claim that the Quran states the Earth is a sphere, however the words used could just as easily apply to a geocentric universe where the day and night wrap because the Sun orbits the Earth; especially as the same verse also mentions the Sun running/moving for a fixed term.
This verse could be interpreted as saying that a journey continued until the place of the rising sun was reached. This implies a flat Earth where the sun orbits the Earth and sets in a specific place each night.
This verse mirrors some erroneous ancient beliefs that the night is a physical entity that is able to block out our vision of the Sun.
Saying that the Moon follows the Sun suggests a geocentric universe where the Sun and Moon would both orbit the Earth as if on a wheel.
The verse could be interpreted as saying that a journey continued until the place of the setting sun was reached. This implies a flat Earth where the sun orbits the Earth and sets in a specific place each night.
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