This verse states that Noah’s family were saved from the flood. This seems to contradict 11:42-43 which tells the story of how one of Noah’s sons was drowned. Either Noah’s son did not die in the flood and Noah’s family was saved, or he did die in the flood and most of Noah’s family was saved.This could be seen as an error on the part of a human, either changing the story over time or forgetting who survived and who perished.
The Arabic word used (Zani) can mean either a married person having sex with someone other than their spouse (adulterer), or a person having sex outside of marriage (fornicator.) This has led to confusion where some people say the punishment of 100 lashes only applies to fornicators whereas others say it also applies to adulterers.This has led to numerous married people being stoned to death for adultery (Iran/Afghanistan), with some people claiming the sentence was lawful and others claiming it was unlawful.
This verse could be interpreted as saying that a journey continued until the place of the rising sun was reached. This implies a flat Earth where the sun orbits the Earth and sets in a specific place each night.
The meaning of this verse is disputed amongst scholars. Due to a lack of punctuation in oral recitation this verse is unclear as to whether only Allah knows the meaning of unclear verses, or Allah and believers.
This verse says that during the fasting period people cannot eat unless it is night time. This verse hints at the possibility that the author did not realise that at certain places on the Earth the Sun does not completely set for 6 months at a time.
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